Highlights Along the Way
Family Travel, Treats, Tips, & Traditions

DIY “Happy Back to School” Oversized Card for the teacher

Disclosure: This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® Elmer’s and Wet Ones, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #CraftandCleanUp https://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV


Happy Back to School!!! Our big kids are so excited about Back to School and they can’t wait to meet their new teachers. Our kids are continuing with a half home school half traditional classroom program that is really fun for them. This year we are making a special “Back to School” Oversized Card for our classroom teachers to let them know we are super pumped for the first day of school.  We will deliver these cards along with our classroom donations and a gift card for coffee (because my kid’s teachers are gonna need an extra latte for sure and I feel it is only fair I buy it for her 😉 ) to start the year off on the right foot.

Crafting is something we do all the time in our house.  The kids love it and I think doing a fun craft is a nice positive activity as we ease ourselves back into the school year.


Hand made kid’s cards are super fun anyway, but something about ridiculously over-sized just warms my kid’s hearts.  So we gathered up all our craft supplies, some poster board, an Elmer’s Glue and Wet Ones combo pack and went to town!


These are really easy and I think just about any age group can have fun with this project.  When our littlest starts Preschool she will probably make one for her teacher too!  I think it is really best to let your kids get creative!  One of our kids is very fancy and the other is a little bit scribbly and crazy – I think it is best during an art project to just let their creativity loose.

Supplies We Used – we had a few of these supplies already and picked everything else up at Target

  • Posterboard (our kids shared one piece and both were still very big cards)
  • colorful cardstock and construction paper
  • Markers
  • scissors
  • glitter
  • Roll-on Painters
  • Stickers
  • Elmer’s glue & Wet Ones combo pack (you can find these combo packs for a limited time in the Back To School section at select Target stores, they are only about $2.50 for the set and I actually picked up a couple as presents for the teachers even though they aren’t on the list)


You could easily do this project with less supplies or add in a bunch of other stuff too!

card craft

We started with a ‘rough draft’ – we didn’t want to waste our fancy poster board with a rusty hand writing mistake so we planned it all out on cheap computer paper first.


oversized card

DIY-Oversized Card

After they decided exactly how they wanted their cards to look they went to town.


Sister J’s card screams “Look Teacher, I already know cursive!”


Of course there was glitter involved.  I have a love hate relationship with glitter.  I know that for the kids, it really takes things up a notch.  For me though, the clean up is such a drag.  Seriously that stuff gets everywhere right?


*sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle*


Luckily we had Wet Ones from our combo pack (you can get these in the Back to School section).  I typically do not buy a lot of convenience type items; but this year I have resolved to do more fun and messy things.  I am thinking we are going to need more Wet Ones in our lives if I am going to keep that up! 😉


I think making big oversized cards was a really fun way to get excited about the new year.  Our kids were super enthusiastic and they can’t wait to gift their teachers with their Back to School supplies and their big giant cards!  I think it is safe to say they are pretty adorable!  What do you bring to the Teacher on the first day of school?


Until Next Time ~ Kate
Categories:  Crafts, DIY
  1. […] We made cute cards to tell the teachers how excited we were to meet them!  Everyone is starting off on a good foot! […]

  2. Nidia H says:

    Usually I have my kids write letters to their teachers and we also give the teacher a bit of extra glue and pencils. Love this idea of the bucket though.

  3. April says:

    I love this!! Fantastic idea!!

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